Music Looper
A downloadable tool for Windows
Loop your music from loop points you set in this app!
Currently only supporting MP3 or OGG formats.
How to use
Loading in Audio
Select your audio folder (all audio you want to use must be within this folder, no sub folders) by pressing the 'Select Songs Folder' button
All detected songs will appear under the 'List of Songs' section
Save and Load
Press the 'Save' button, to save all your settings
Load them later with the 'Load' button
This will store your Songs, Loop settings, Volume, Effects, etc, however it will not save your audio, if the sources go missing from your source folder, they will not be playable
Playing Audio / Playing Audio Once
Press the '>' button on audio of your songs in the 'List of Songs' list or in the 'Playlists', 'Song Queue,' 'Play History' or 'Play Once History' lists.
You can play a song through just once by pressing the '>.' button in any of those previous mentioned fields, this will play the song in the background from start to end (useful for SFX), you can play up to 5 at once, stop all play once audio with the 'X' button under the player.
Player Controls
'|<<' Play from start of current song or play previous song if already at the start, you can only play the previous song once as the previous song becomes the song last played
'|<' Play from loop start
'<<' Rewind 5 seconds
'>' Play/Pause (becomes '||' when actively playing
'>>' Forward 5 seconds
'>|' Play from loop end
'>>|' Play next song in queue
'X' Stop all Play Once audio
Queueing Songs
Press the 'QN' button to add a song to the front of the queue or 'QE' to add a song to the end of the queue.
You can view queued songs in the 'SongQueue' tab, as well as moving them around in the queue with their '^', '^^', 'v', 'vv' buttons
Songs are only removed from the queue when they automatically start playing from the previous song ended or if you manually remove them with their '-' button
Create a playlist with the '+' button in the playlists tab
Add songs with any songs '+' button
Delete a playlist with the 'X' button, this cannot be undone and does not warn you that you are about to delete a playlist
Select your playlists from the drop down next to the '+' button in the playlists tab
Play History / Play Once History
Self explanatory, these are the songs you have played in the order they were played, lists are 20 songs long.
You can minimize some sections of the app using the '-' button, this becomes a '=' button when actively minimized
Master Controls
These settings apply to all audio, most are self explanatory
Crossfade is experimental, crossfading between queued songs currently does not work, you can press the crossfade current and crossfade start buttons however, Crossfade Current will crossfade to your next queued song using the current songs timestamp (so long as the next song is equal or longer in length than the current, else it will play from the start) while Crossfade Start does the same but always from the start of the next song, the number before these buttons effects the speed of the crossfade.
Fade Play and Pause will cause the audio to fade in or out when play or pause is pressed
Effects are ways of changing how your audio sounds, i wont go through what they each do, please give it a search online to find out
Song Specific Controls
These control each songs specific settings which at current is Loop things
The settings you are editing are that of the currently playing song
You can enable 'Loop' to loop a song using its normal start and end as the loop points
You can also loop using only a 'Loop Start' or 'Loop End' or both, however the smoothest looping can be had without using 'Loop End', you may experience slight pauses with 'Loop End'
Use the 'Use Current Position' button to set the loop points at the position the audio is currently playing at
Green and Red markers will appear on the player to indicate loop points, green being the start, red being the end
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Waveform (in some way)Mar 19, 2024
- Minor changesMar 18, 2024
- 1.24Mar 13, 2024
- 1.23Mar 11, 2024
- Version 1.22Feb 02, 2024
- Fixed saving bugDec 29, 2023
- Bug fixAug 12, 2023
- Bug fixesAug 12, 2023
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